Public Sector Executive Coaching and Mindset Fitness Training Service

*Photo from Police Now© - Frontline Leadership Program Taught Day

My name is Clive Maxheath and I’m the leader of The LEAP. I’m a certified coach and mindset fitness trainer with over 10 years experience.

At LEAP we coach a public sector professionals struggling with overwhelm or underwhelm. Professionals desiring a more balanced way of working focused on what is truly important to them. We also train public sector professionals who are being held back by their current mindset. Professionals willing to train to develop a mindset that serves them in working towards their goals and aspirations, rather than sabotaging against.

We coach and train pubic sector professionals who want:

  • To focus on purposeful work they were born to do. 

  • Professional working relationships that energise and nourish them.

  • High mindset fitness levels that optimise performance and reduce toxic stress.

‘I have learnt so much about myself. Clive has shared invaluable tools and developed skills that I now have for life.

Primary School Head Teacher

Book your complimentary 1-hour taster session with Clive via the button below:

Below is our interpretation of what we mean by underwhelm and overwhelm:


We feel overwhelmed when we are experiencing pressure or stress. Times as public sector professionals we might experience this are:

  1. Being in demand from multiple stakeholders at the same time. 

  2. Having a heavy volume of work to complete with tight deadlines 

  3. Working with and through complicated critical incident or project scenarios 

When overwhelmed we feel out of control, exhausted, and angry.


We feel underwhelmed when we are experiencing a lack of energy or excitement. Times as public sector professionals we might experience this are:

  1. Having to work repetitive taskings over and over.

  2. Working long shifts day after day for a prolonged period of time. 

  3. Knowing there is a change we would like to make however feeling alone with no idea of what to do.

When underwhelmed we feel lethargic, hopeless, and frustrated.

Be it pressure generated by overwhelm or underwhelm, public sector roles regularly appear in the top 10 when it comes to surveys concerning stress and anxiety. 

Underwhelm and overwhelm are feelings we all experience naturally at different times while at work. It is when these states become normalised that they become damaging. Negative thought patterns develop. Relationships suffer. Our work quality and performance are reduced.

What we required during times of prolonged underwhelm or overwhelm is the support of a coach

A person who can create a space to reflect, ask powerful questions, establish what we control in any given situation and hold us accountable. We may also choose to develop our mental fitness. Mental fitness is the level of mental preparedness one has at any given point to navigate challenges and perform at an optimal level. 

What Next?

Book a complimentary 1-hour taster session with Clive via the button below:

Coaching Packages

The Season: 10-week coaching program

6 coaching sessions (7 hours of coaching) across a period of 10 weeks:

*Click the picture below for detailed program summary:

The Chapter: One-off coaching session

A 90-minute coaching session with a 30-minute review session a fortnight after.

*Click the picture below for a detailed program summary

Training Programs

Mindset Fitness - Positive Intelligence: 8-week Training Course

Video sessions, daily app-guided practices & weekly check-in sessions to boost your 3 core mindset fitness muscles.

*Click the picture below for a detailed program summary:

Money Back Guarantee

Because we’re so confident of the amazing benefits of our programs. If you find you experience little change by the time we are halfway through one of our courses we’ll provide a full refund no questions asked.

What next? 

Book a complimentary 1-hour taster session with Clive via the button below:

‘App-led exercises, combined with powerful coaching from Clive have made for a truly immersive experience. I’ve been blown away by the impact the mindset fitness training program has had’

Steve Jackson - Law Enforcement Trainer: Police Now